Task 5.2 - Critical Thinking: The Soul of Communication

 From the excerpt, I can see critical thinking having a large impact on my role as a leader in the workplace. Given the loss of funds due to poor communication, companies will look into making sure that their employees are able to communicate effectively with each other. As a leader, I will be given the responsibility to ensure that the surrounding people have a clear understanding on the matter at hand. To be able to do so, I myself will be required to pursue critical thinking. With this skill, I will be able to better extend my knowledge to those around me. Through better understanding one another, I can build a better relationship with the other workers, which would make it easier for information to be relayed. When workers are able to understand the given situation and the reasoning behind certain issues, it would "eliminate ambiguity". They would have a clear idea of what they would be doing and why they are required to do so. With this understanding, not only will the losses decrease, but also productivity and efficiency will increase as well. 


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